And their season finale is facing off against the Washington Brotherhood which is PFE (Pretty Freakin Evil) BOS lead by an insane ghoul in powerarmor.Īnd while you have a good chance of equipping your mutants with lasers and plasma weapons from captured arsenals of defeated foes, and with arms ripped from the enemy (maintenance detachements and lucky leaders with idiot savant ftw), as a tribal nation your air force will consist entirely of gliders. Plus you know, the usual suspects and raiders and all. They're set up for two or three early wars against 1) cannibals, 2) a comic book villainess with head explodey mesmetrons and 3) Mirelurk Cthulhu cultists. Supermutants in Oregon out to restore the Masters (FO1 bigbad) vision. One of the nations recommended for a first playthrough - if you want to stick to the tribal techlevel - is the Troll Warren. Oh, yes specific nations may have different priorities depending on their situation, but in general I go for army experience early. But to really make it come into its own, you need the industry to make said wave to brush aside the with. It has a valuable manpower boost or you can be a mechanized wave of men and machine. In other words, China can make use of it somewhat.and not many other people. Grand Battleplan is only useful in one situation: You know you are going to be defending and defending hard and you wont have anywhere enough artillery and guns to maintain a proper front line. Tanks are expensive and only a few nations can afford the cost If you want to make use of other doctrines, keep in mind that Mobile Warfare is only useful if you plan to make have use of tanks, which a surprising number of nations wont. The right path at the bottom is also the usual go to for the second path as it gives more soft attack. This allows your army to have a decent boost to organization as support divisions are far less of a loss in org. On the first branching path, you want to take yhe one that gives support divisions org. Click to shrink.Also, said Advisor has a different and just as valuable bonus of increasing the speed of doctrine research, allowing you to research Superior Firepower that much more quickly.Īlso, as a rule, keep in mind Superior Firepower is the best Army Doctrine.