If you dont have these already, I don't recommend grinding it unless they fix hunts first.

When you get through the avernus campaign and unlock zariels citadel you can purchase these for favors now, they were given out essentially free at first if you were playing during its release as campaign bonuses along with all the reagents to upgrade, but now you would have to farm zariels favor in avernus to purchase them and the reagents, which is not time gated, but still extremely tedious especially now given that the best way to do it, the hunt system in that zone, is currently broken for parties.

Don't let their ilvl deceive you.īlessed weapons. They got a nerf recently though and not exactly sure how they stack up now but they are still pretty good, especially in trials where you can time the clones appropriately for huge burst damage. You buy them in the campaign store for cloaked ascendancy and have to farm HEs and dig sites in river district as well as illusionist gambit for the reagents, this was fairly easy not that long ago as they became BiS for a short while so everyone was there doing it with you and went quick from my experience.